Niseko Hirafu Green Park

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©2024 NisekoHirafuGreenPark

映画上映  Film Screenings


1990年代のロサンゼルスを舞台にした『mid90s』は、内気で内向的な13歳の少年スティーヴィーが、波乱に満ちた家庭生活からの脱出を模索する姿を描く。家庭では、シングルマザーとのぎくしゃくした関係や、兄イアンからの絶え間ない精神的虐待に直面している。居場所を見つけようと必死になっていたスティーヴィーは、偶然見つけた地元のスケートショップで、集中力と野心にあふれたリーダーのレイ、気ままなパーティー好きの 「ファックシット」、映画監督志望の物静かなフォーサーズ・グレード、自信なさげだがストリート・スマートなルーベンら、年上のスケーターたちのグループに迎え入れられる。彼らを通して、スティービーはスケートボードのスリルと、それに伴う反抗的な自由を発見する。しかし、この新しい世界を進むにつれ、彼は仲間からのプレッシャー、危険な行動、複雑な友人関係の力学に直面し、成長することの喜びと厳しい現実の両方を知ることになる。


Set in 1990s Los Angeles, “mid90s” follows 13-year-old Stevie, a shy and introspective boy searching for an escape from his turbulent home life. At home, he faces a strained relationship with his single mother and the constant emotional abuse of his older brother, Ian. Desperate to find a sense of belonging, Stevie stumbles upon a local skate shop where he is welcomed into a group of older skaters, including Ray, the focused and ambitious leader, "Fuckshit," a carefree party-goer, Fourth Grade, a quiet aspiring filmmaker, and Ruben, an insecure yet street-smart kid. Through them, Stevie discovers the thrill of skateboarding and the rebellious freedom that comes with it. Yet, as he navigates this new world, he is confronted with peer pressure, risky behavior, and the complex dynamics of his friendships, leading him to both the joys and harsh realities of growing up.

Directed by Jonah Hill in his feature film debut, “mid90s” paints a raw and nostalgic portrait of adolescence, rooted in Hill’s own experiences growing up during the 90s. Known for his acting roles in films such as “Superbad” and “Moneyball”, Hill steps behind the camera to deliver an authentic exploration of youth culture, particularly the skate scene of the era. The film is beautifully captured by cinematographer Christopher Blauvelt, who uses a 4:3 aspect ratio to give it a documentary-like aesthetic, heightening its sense of intimacy and nostalgia. Blending humor, heartache, and the universal search for identity, “mid90s” is a poignant exploration of friendship, self-discovery, and the formative struggles that shape us into who we are.

ライブペインティング Live Art

Yumiko Takei 武井ゆみこ





Born in Tokyo and residing in Hokkaido, Yumiko Takei is an accomplished artist specializing in Japanese painting. A graduate of the Graduate School of Arts at Bunsei University of Art and Design, she has developed a distinctive style revolving around birds.

Fascinated by their graceful forms, vibrant colors, musical voices, and expressive faces, Yumiko captures the essence of birds through various mediums, including pencil, traditional Japanese painting, wood, and unglazed pottery. Each piece is a tribute to the natural beauty and delicate nuances of these creatures, offering a moment of tranquility and reflection in the viewer’s daily life.

Yumiko has been recognized for her artistic achievements through participation in numerous public exhibitions. Notable accolades include an Honorable Mention at the 12th Fukuchiyama City Taisei Sato Prize Exhibition, an Encouragement Prize at the 2nd Bunsei University of Arts Graduation Exhibition, an Honorable Mention in the Japanese Painting Division at the 55th Tochigi Prefecture Art Festival, and another Encouragement Prize in the Japanese Painting Division at the 59th Tochigi Prefecture Art Festival.

She hopes that viewers will find a moment of peace and enjoyment in her work as they explore the beauty of birds through her art🍀.

Artist Profile

Artist Website

Mu Raki 村木勇介( MuMu le loup )

1984年6月3日、東京生まれ東京育ち。日本大学芸術学部写真学科中退。 20歳よりSlipstreamとして音楽活動し、POPGROUPよりデビュー。又DJ/ProducerとしてMadskippers RecordingsやWeekend Warriorzで活躍。巨大なサウンドシステムが作り出す空間と時間のアート。フューチャリスティックな電子音と原始的なリズムが奏でるグルーヴが瞑想そして覚醒へと導く、実験的なダンスミュージックの不思議な力にのめり込み、2015年ドイツベルリンへ移り住む。そこでえた貴重な経験と自由な体験。出会った考えや価値観。触れた様々な表現。それらは人生の道標となる。 さらなる冒険を求め、翌年秋カリフォルニアの内陸部大自然の旅へ。2ヶ月間の山でのテント暮らしでは、雲海に囲まれた山頂で朝日と共に瞑想し、大自然の中で集中力と精神を研ぎ澄ませた。そして旅で出会った仲間と共に、彼らの生まれ育ったメキシコのヒッピーコミューンなど各地を巡り、深い文化や歴史、生活やDIYの精神、アートに強い感銘を受けた。その後カリフォルニアの山に戻り、運命の出会いを果たす。滞在先の友の飼う一匹の狼、エラ。警戒心の強い野生を持つ狼が、心を開き家族として私を許した瞬間の感動、野生動物の持つ強さと優しさや愛情。その狼と過ごした2ヶ月のインスピレーションは、NYを拠点に活躍する抽象画家であるChristian Calabroと共に初めて抽象画を描く機会には、すでに原動力となり、描く意味を与えた。

2017年日本へ戻り、音楽活動と並行して絵を描き続けた。旅で得た着想、自然の壮大さや美しさ、文化や歴史、人間の悲しい行い、アニミズム、八百万の神を信じる神道文化、文字を描きその内を表現する習字、そして狼との暮らしで感じた野生の愛。それらにインスパイアされ、“Disappeared Animals”というテーマにたどり着いた。精神を集中し感覚を研ぎ澄ませ、キャンバスに向かい合い瞑想する。流れや動きをエネルギーとして筆を重ね、浮かび上がる消えていった動物たちの魂の姿。自然界を一つの包み込むのは愛という壮大なバランス。私たち人間だけがそれを乱し破壊する。この二つの世界を繋ぐ窓を開き、この世界に本当の愛を伝える。

Born on June 3, 1984, in Tokyo, Japan, Mu Raki has carved a unique path as an artist and musician. After beginning his studies at Nihon University College of Art, Department of Photography, he decided to pursue his passion for music, launching his career at the age of 20 under the name Slipstream. His debut came through POPGROUP, followed by his work as a DJ and producer for Madskippers Recordings and Weekend Warriorz.

His music, a fusion of futuristic electronic sounds and primal rhythms, creates an immersive experience that transcends space and time. This approach to experimental dance music, characterized by its meditative and awakening qualities, eventually led him to Berlin, Germany, in 2015. The city's vibrant culture and diverse artistic expressions became a profound influence, shaping his creative outlook.

In search of further inspiration, Mu Raki embarked on a wilderness journey to California later that year. Spending two months living in a tent in the mountains, he immersed himself in nature, meditating at sunrise on mist-covered peaks, and exploring the depths of his concentration and spirit. This journey also took him to a hippie commune in Mexico, where he was deeply moved by the local culture, history, and DIY spirit.

Returning to the California mountains, Mu Raki had a transformative encounter with Ella, a wolf belonging to a friend. The bond he formed with the wary, wild creature profoundly impacted him, revealing the strength, kindness, and love inherent in nature. This experience became a wellspring of inspiration, fueling his first foray into abstract painting with New York-based artist Christian Calabro.

In 2017, Mu Raki returned to Japan, where he continued to explore both music and painting. His work is heavily influenced by the inspirations he gathered from his travels, the grandeur and beauty of nature, the complexities of human behavior, and the spiritual depth of animism and Shintoism. His art, particularly his "Disappeared Animals" series, reflects a deep connection to the natural world. Through meditation and a sharpened focus, he channels the spirits of extinct animals, portraying the delicate balance of love that sustains nature—a balance often disrupted by humanity. Through his art, he seeks to bridge the gap between these worlds, conveying a message of true love and reverence for life.


DJ セット  DJ Sets


DJ/東京出身。オリジナルなワールドミュージック/伝統伝承の発掘活動。フロアでは民族音楽から最新の電子音楽全般を操るフリースタイル・グルーヴを発明。 執筆活動やジャンルを跨いだ海外アーティストとの共演や招聘活動のサポート。2018年秋よりベトナムはホーチミンのクラブ、The ObservatoryのレジデントDJに就任。 ミャンマー伝統音楽のリミックス盤『Kalab Mixed Myanmar #1』(Rollers)のキュレーション。Worldwide FM、NTSへのmix提供など。Rainbow Disco Club 2022、rural-2023、Mindgames presents Balanceへの出演。野外リスニングイベント、EACH STORYのキュレーションも担当。

Shhhhh is a long-term, well-known figure of Tokyo's underground electronic music society. His musical style is defined by its fluidity and constantly evolving multiformity. This highly unique and magnetic style has led to him appearing in a large variety of line-ups and events across Japan and the broader East Asian region. 

His crossover approach to electronic music has been influenced by his long-term professional engagement with one of the most prominent Japanese import companies of world music and South American traditional music, and various rhythms of the world, knowledge of world folklore making him one of the most specialized excavators of these diverse musical genres - and a pioneer in presenting them to listeners. When playing in clubs, Shhhhh invents freestyle grooves, manipulating everything from ethnic music to the latest electronic sounds.

Over the last 5 years, Shhhhh has started to have greater visibility on the international scene, holding a residency at Saigon’s The Observatory since 2018, and also featuring on NTS radio, at Rainbow Disco Club festival2022 and Mindgames presents Balance. He has also recently directed the curation of the Myanmar traditional music remix disc “Kalab Mixed Myanmar” #1" (Rollers).

Listen to his latest mix here:
Shhhhh @RIEFE SETS in Mitsuki (5.5.2024)





ANNA, based in Sapporo, channels her deep and enduring love for music into every beat of her sets, illuminating her exploration of avant-garde, dub, and experimental sounds. With a gravitational pull all its own, ANNA's unique sonic theory draws listeners into a space where the boundaries of music and emotion blur, taking them on an interstellar journey of musical love.

Listen to her mix here:



DJ Sherwin

北海道札幌市出身 LUCKY HOOD主宰 Jazzの楽器の音色やHouseのグルーヴに魅了され2023年よりHouse/Techno/Club Jazz/GarageをプレイするDJスタイルへシフト。 Jazzから影響を受けた独自の感性でプレイするセットは誰とも被らないGroovyなものとなっている。 またDJ、パーティ主宰に留まらず、アパレルやアートの制作に取り組むなど、様々な芸術活動に力を入れているアーティストである。

Born in Sapporo, Hokkaido, and the leader of LUCKY HOOD, he has always been captivated by the instrumental sounds of jazz and the infectious grooves of house music. In 2023, he transitioned his DJ style to focus on House, Techno, Club Jazz, and Garage, crafting sets that are both groovy and distinct, infused with a sensibility deeply rooted in jazz. Beyond DJing and hosting parties, he engages in a wide range of artistic pursuits, including apparel design and art production.


飲食出店者  F&B

Snappee Coffee


We're a mobile coffee roasting service without a physical shop. Based in Hokkaido, we bring freshly roasted beans to customers at scenic locations. Enjoy our coffee and photography!

Online Store


Yuragi フードトラックゆらぎ

毎週火曜日 倶知安町 sprout(スプラウト)さん横にて出店中です

Every Tuesday, our kitchen car can be found next to Sprout in Kutchan-cho, bringing creative Japanese-inspired bentos from Niseko Annupuri to various locations. We will be at Niseko Hirafu Green Park this week!



YY Diner


YY Diner is a burger food truck run by Michael and based in Niseko, Hokkaido, operating since June 2017. They use buns made with spring water from Mt. Yotei and Hokkaido wheat, 100% grass-fed beef patties, and homemade bacon to craft their delicious burgers.


Powers Green Truck


Founded in 2011 at the foot of Mt. Yotei in Makkari Village, we are proud to serve delicious, locally-sourced dishes across Hokkaido. Our specialties include anhydrous spice curry, kebab chicken over rice, original kebab sandwiches, and gapao rice. We're always eager to bring our flavors to new locations, so feel free to reach out with requests for events or pop-up shops!

Thanks to the support of our loyal customers, we've been happily serving you for over a decade 🙏.




Discover NOODLEMEN, a new pasta concept created at the pension “Ginkei” in Niseko Annupuri’s Potato Republic.


Nemoto Shouten 根本酒店

ウイスキーと日本酒の専門店。すすきので角打ちも併設している酒屋です。 こだわりのウイスキーや日本酒を飲むことができます。

A specialty shop for whiskey and sake, Susukino Liquor Store offers a unique experience. In addition to being a well-stocked liquor store, we have a cozy corner where you can enjoy a curated selection of fine whiskey and Japanese sake.


XingFu Ice Cream


Crafted with a generous amount of Amaou strawberries, Xingfu soft serve ice cream tastes just like biting into a fresh strawberry.


Manten Gyoza 満天餃子 from Niseko


Niseko Manten Gyoza travels around Hokkaido in a food truck, offering gyozas that showcase a blend of vegetables and pork from Hokkaido’s rich land.


Coffee Caravan


Niseko Hirafu Green Park's café offers locally roasted coffee from Sprout Niseko and a selection of fresh bagels from Seed Bagel, both proudly local establishments. By evening, the café transforms into a cozy spot for a curated selection of natural wines and cocktails. Open daily from 11:00 am to 11:00 pm.

