DJセット DJ Sets
HIP-HOPから始まりSOUL,JAZZ,REGGAE,HOUSE,TECHNO… 彼の触手引っかかったあらゆる音楽が彼の紡ぐ一つのGROOVEとして音色を奏でる。 『人々の集う場所』という意味のスワヒリ語から名付けた『Jamii』に集うジャンルレスな人々を見ても彼の音に通じるものがあるかもしれない。 都市にはないニセコならではの音楽文化を発信し続けている。
From HIP-HOP to SOUL, JAZZ, REGGAE, HOUSE, TECHNO, and beyond, every genre he touches blends into a seamless groove. The diverse crowd at 'Jamii'—named after the Swahili word for 'community'—shares a common thread with his eclectic sound. Jamii continues to showcase a musical culture that's uniquely Niseko, offering an experience you won't find in the cities.
ビートメイカー、DJ、プロデューサー、リミキサー。2003年にソロアルバム「New Awakening」をリリース。 海外アーティストと積極的にコラボレーションを行う。2004年L.A「URB」誌で期待するアーティスト100人に 日本人で唯一選出され、アメリカやヨーロッパツアーだけでなくアジア圏でも成功し、海外でもその人気、認知度 は高騰。2014年、世界クラブミュージック動画配信メディア「Boiler Room」が初の東京中継。 DJ MITSU THE BEATS のDJプレイをライブ配信。アーカイブ化されたその動画は長時間にも関わらず異例の約56万再生。2018年1月、自身が所属するヒップホップユニットGAGLE6枚目のアルバム「VANTA BLACK」をリリース。そして2020年、ソロ活動が再び動き出す。
DJ Mitsu the beats is a beatmaker, DJ, producer, and remixer.
In 2003, he released his solo album "New Awakening" and has since been actively collaborating with international artists. In 2004, he was the only Japanese artist to be recognized as one of the "100 Most Anticipated Artists" by L.A.'s URB magazine. His success on tours across America, Europe, and Asia has significantly boosted his popularity and recognition overseas.
In 2014, he gained further acclaim when Boiler Room, the world-renowned club music video distribution platform, broadcasted live from Tokyo for the first time, featuring DJ Mitsu The Beats. The archived video of his DJ set has been viewed approximately 560,000 times, an impressive feat considering its length.
In January 2018, his hip-hop unit GAGLE released their sixth album, VANTA BLACK. In 2020, he embarked on a new chapter in his solo career.
ニセコローカルパーティ『Jamiism』のレジデントDJ。冬シーズンにはニセコヒラフにあるBar『The Baddies』にて不定期にパーティを開催している。
T.AKA lives in the Niseko area of Hokkaido and organizes DJ parties with friends. He manipulates sounds with long mixes and equalization, focusing on house and techno at the core.
He is the resident DJ of "Jamiism", a local Niseko party. During the winter season, he holds parties at "The Baddies" bar in Niseko Hirafu on an irregular basis.
DJ/Producer JAZZY SPORT 所属 93年より伝説のPARTY LIFE FORCEにおいて日本におけるレイブカルチャーの創世を体現したオリジネイター。 地元鎌倉を拠点としmusic unit “DEDICATION”を主催し、DFA,CYNIC,Claremont 56などの海外の人気レーベルから7枚のEPをリリース。、DJとしては国内はもとよりアジア・欧州などの海外ツアーや、FUJI ROCK FES、WONDERFRUIT(Thailand)などにも出演。 世界を旅するクリエーターコレクティブ CINEMA CARAVANとしても国内各地や逗子海岸映画祭,サンセバスチャン国際映画祭(Spain),SONSBBEK2016 (オランダ)等で公演。昨年はドイツで開催されたDOCUMENTA15に出演。
Since 1993, Jazzy Sport member, Mikey Varot, has been a pioneering force behind the legendary PARTY LIFE FORCE, a key player in the birth of Japan's rave culture. Based in his hometown of Kamakura, he leads the music unit "DEDICATION," which has released seven EPs on renowned international labels such as DFA, CYNIC, and Claremont 56. As a DJ, Mikey has toured extensively across Japan, Asia, and Europe, with performances at major festivals like FUJI ROCK and WONDERFRUIT (Thailand).
As a member of the globally recognized creative collective CINEMA CARAVAN, Mikey has brought his talent to audiences across Japan and at events like the Zushi Beach Film Festival, San Sebastian International Film Festival (Spain), SONSBBEK 2016 (Netherlands), and DOCUMENTA15 (Germany).
ROCK STEADYとLOVER'S ROCKをこよなく愛するカレー屋でフリースキーヤー。スウィートセレクションがお得意で、まるで盛り上げるつもりがないかのようなメローなROCK STEADY&LOVERS ROCKセレクションだが、気づけばアナタもゆらゆらと体を揺らしているかも。最近はDISCOTICなREGGAEも掘り出し中。
A passionate free skier and curry shop owner with a deep love for Rock Steady and Lover’s Rock. Specializing in smooth, sweet selections, their mellow Rock Steady and Lover's Rock vibes may seem laid-back, but before you know it, you'll find yourself swaying to the rhythm.
Lately, they’ve been diving into the world of Discotic Reggae, adding another layer to their eclectic taste in music.