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Noritsugu Miyagawa, a legendary surfer, lives in harmony with nature on Chichijima Island in the Ogasawara Islands. Known for pioneering the world’s first dolphin swims with wild dolphins, Miyagawa played a key role in the protection of the endangered red-footed black crow pigeon and significantly contributed to the island's designation as a UNESCO World Heritage Site. He is a trailblazer in island culture, warmly welcoming visitors and sharing the unique beauty of the Ogasawaras.
In 2014, acclaimed director Toyoda visited the Ogasawara Islands, where he met Miyagawa. Inspired by the encounter, Toyoda decided to move to the islands and began work on a documentary film about this extraordinary place.
The film features actors and musicians who are invited to the island, capturing moments of artistic collaboration and connection with the untamed landscape. Through these creative sessions, the artists tap into the island’s primal beauty, experiencing awe-inspiring encounters and moments of pure rapture as they unleash their imaginations on this unspoiled, natural stage.