Niseko Hirafu Green Park

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©2024 NisekoHirafuGreenPark

映画上映  Film Screenings

Niseko Downchill by Niseko Films


Experience Niseko in this beautifully crafted short film by Niseko Films. Set against the backdrop of Hokkaido’s stunning landscapes, the video captures the essence of the region’s unique blend of adventure and tranquility. From exhilarating snowboarding lines to serene moments in nature, this visual journey invites viewers to explore the beauty, culture, and spirit of Niseko. Perfect for nature lovers, snowboarders, and anyone drawn to the allure of Japan’s northern frontier.

Riders: Yo Amagai,Teppei Hirota,Takaoki 'HASSY' Hashimoto, Masaru Yamashita,Osamu Usami,Hidetaka Sugawara, Toshiyuki Moriyama,Minato Miyauchi, Makoto Yamada, Hideyuki Takagi,Yuta Kiyohara,etc


「滑板拳」Kappan Ken (2021)


A former Olympic skateboarding hopeful (Daisuke) takes over his late father's Chinese restaurant after facing disappointment. Lost and disheartened, he nearly forgets his passion for skating—until a sudden encounter with a fellow skater reignites his memories. Daisuke realizes that the spirit of kung fu, ever-present in his life, is his true source of strength, sparking a newfound vitality within him. The film was showcased at the Yokohama Chinatown Film Festival.

映画監督 Director: Shoyo Miyao

出演 Staring: 渡辺大介、眞木蔵人、 西郷豊、中佑弥、
                        田中克海、JUICY、Lilhoneyprincess、KIOSHI                                   COTITO、宮尾明依、宮尾有伊、MAEDAMAN、



“Bonz” refers to a monk or young boy in Japanese, symbolizing the importance of keeping a childlike spirit alive. The title “Ignition” signifies the spark that has ignited Bonz's passion and activities. This film captures a season of skiing, showcasing the energy, growth, and inspiration that define Bonz's journey on the slopes. This 2022–2023 season edit follows skiers from the Bonz collective through their winter adventures in the backcountry.

Skiers: Gen Sasaki, Daichi Motoki, Tenra Katsuno, Masaori Fujii, Daichi Furuya, Yosuke Fujii, Shun Hirayama


トーク Talks

Daisuke Watanabe 渡辺大輔


北海道倶知安町ニセコひらふ出身。ニセコの大きな山の麓で伸び伸びと育ち、5歳でスノーボードと出会う。ヒラフのロングバーンで足腰を鍛えた。小学校4年でスノーボードキャンプに参加し、初めて見たプロの滑りに衝撃を受けプロに憧れを抱く。中学生からスノーボードクロスをはじめ、高校ではスノーボード部に所属、長野で行われたFISレースにて高校生として初の優勝を飾りジュニアナショナルチー ム入り。シニアになってからも活躍を続け、ナショナルチーム、日本代表としてW杯を転戦する。大学卒業を機にレースを卒業。もともと大好きだったフリースタイルの道を歩みだすと同時にK2 Snowboardingに加入し、海外撮影やニセコでの滑りが評価され、現在K2 Snowboarding 日本人初となるインターナショナルライダーとして活躍してる。


Born on February 21, 1993, in Niseko Hirafu, Kutchan-cho, Hokkaido, Daisuke Watanabe grew up at the foot of Niseko’s iconic mountains, discovering snowboarding at the age of 5. He honed his skills on Hirafu's long slopes, building strength and technique. A pivotal moment came in his fourth year of elementary school when Daisuke attended a snowboard camp and saw professional snowboarders for the first time. This encounter ignited his dream of becoming a pro athlete.

In high school, Daisuke joined the snowboard club and made history by becoming the first high school student to win an FIS race in Nagano, Japan, securing a spot on the junior national team. As a senior, he continued competing on the World Cup circuit as a member of both the national and Japan’s national teams.

After graduating from university, Daisuke shifted his focus away from racing to pursue his passion for freestyle snowboarding. He joined K2 Snowboarding and quickly gained recognition for his work in international film projects and backcountry skiing in Niseko.

In recent years, Daisuke has expanded his career beyond snowboarding, starring in the Yokohama Chinatown Film Festival's production Kappen Ken, which was showcased at Niseko Hirafu Green Park 2024.


Gen Sasaki  佐々木玄



その後は日本代表としてワールドカップなど世界大会を転戦。2019年8月から家業である宿泊施設「ポンゴ広場」の代表に就任。それと同時にフリースタイルスキーからフリーライドスキーへ競技を転向し、オールラウンドスキーヤーとして国内で活躍。2023年にはフリーライドスキーで日本一に輝く。大会を転戦する一方で、自身の滑りを映像や写真に残し発信する活動も行っている。 2023年からMatchistick Productionに参加。2024年にSMITHからコラボモデルのゴーグルをリリース。

Gen Sasaki developed a passion for skiing at an early age, starting as soon as he could walk, around the age of 2. Growing up in Niseko, he honed his skills alongside his father, older brother, and friends, freely exploring the mountains. Influenced by his older brother, Gen transitioned to freestyle skiing at age 10, and by the sixth grade, he was determined to pursue a career as a professional skier.

With his brother's support, Gen sought sponsorship and caught the attention of professional skier Takeshi Kodama through a promotional video. This led to a sponsorship deal with clothing manufacturer SOS, marking the start of his professional career. He then began rigorous training and competing in various competitions.

In high school, Gen was selected for Japan’s junior national team, representing his country in global events such as the World Junior Championships and World Cup. In 2019, he became a representative of his family’s accommodation business, Bongo Hiroba, while making the switch from freestyle to freeride skiing, establishing himself as an all-around skier in Japan.

By 2023, Gen was recognized as one of Japan’s top freeride skiers. He continues to document his skiing adventures through videos and photos, joining Matchstick Productions that same year. In 2024, he released a collaboration model goggle with SMITH, solidifying his influence in the skiing community. 


ポップアップストア   Pop-ups


COPEPE MARKET 11:00〜16:00


逢いたい人に逢える❣️COPEPE MARKET🌈 @copepe.niseko

今回はそんなグリーンシーズンお盆真っ只中のヒラフグリーンパークで夏祭りGREEN FESを開催します!





  • キッズヨガ体験13時〜 @kosuke_narayan
  • フラダンス体験14時〜ニセコHulaの会ホアピリ
  • 縁も酣 live 15時〜 @enmo.takenawa



  • @iamyutachibana お香とアート
  • アトリエビーコ ワイヤーアート雑貨
  • めんめ ハンドメイド雑貨

《 飲食出店者》


Immerse yourself in the vibrant shades of green that cover Niseko in summer! Join us at the Green Fes summer festival, held in Hirafu Green Park during the Bon festival season, surrounded by nature’s lush beauty 🌳.

There's something for everyone—from kids’ yoga and hula dancing to exciting workshops! Try out the skateboard ramp 🛹, enjoy a game of Frisbee 🥏, or cool off in the water playground 👙.

Whether you're young or young at heart, there's no better way to spend your summer holiday 😊.

Get into the festival spirit by wearing a yukata or jinbei 👘—perfect for that extra touch of summer fun!

《Workshop & Session》

Free🆓 Activities for Everyone – No Experience Needed! 🙆‍♀️
Join us for some fun, hands-on experiences perfect for beginners and kids alike:
  • Kids Yoga at 1 PM 🧘 – led by @kosuke_narayan
  • Hula Dance at 2 PM 🌺 – hosted by Niseko Hula no Kai Hoapili
  • Live Performance at 3 PM 🎶 – enjoy the sounds of @enmo.takenawa

Paid 💴 Activities


  • Incense and Art Atelier by @iamyutachibana
  • Wire Art Goods by beeco
  • Handmade Goods by menme


《Farm Fresh》

ライブパフォーマンス   Live Performances

Enmo.takenawa 縁も酣


An entertaining band from Zenibako, known for bringing good luck, elevates every festival to new heights. Clad in vibrant happi coats, the cheerful performers sing “Ningen to watashi na ikai” (I Love Being Human), captivating audiences of all ages. Their infectious energy makes not only children but also adults laugh, dance, and sing along. This song rekindles the forgotten joy of childhood, resonating from Zenibako Beach to the world. Together, their live songs create moments of connection and celebration.


Atsuya Nakamura

2000年生まれ。山口県出身。北海道在住。 広島にて建築を学んだのち表現を描くことから始める。 描くこと生きることを模索、実験中。

ニセコひらふグリーンパーク2024で彼が制作した作品のタイトルは「Ambient #3」。

Atsuya Nakamura, born in 2000 in Yamaguchi Prefecture, currently lives and works in Hokkaido. After studying architecture in Hiroshima, Atsuya began to express himself through drawing. He is now exploring and experimenting with the intersections of drawing and daily life.

The artwork he created at Niseko Hirafu Green Park 2024 is titled Ambient #3.


Mu Raki 村木勇介( MuMu le loup )

1984年6月3日、東京生まれ東京育ち。日本大学芸術学部写真学科中退。 20歳よりSlipstreamとして音楽活動し、POPGROUPよりデビュー。又DJ/ProducerとしてMadskippers RecordingsやWeekend Warriorzで活躍。巨大なサウンドシステムが作り出す空間と時間のアート。フューチャリスティックな電子音と原始的なリズムが奏でるグルーヴが瞑想そして覚醒へと導く、実験的なダンスミュージックの不思議な力にのめり込み、2015年ドイツベルリンへ移り住む。そこでえた貴重な経験と自由な体験。出会った考えや価値観。触れた様々な表現。それらは人生の道標となる。 さらなる冒険を求め、翌年秋カリフォルニアの内陸部大自然の旅へ。2ヶ月間の山でのテント暮らしでは、雲海に囲まれた山頂で朝日と共に瞑想し、大自然の中で集中力と精神を研ぎ澄ませた。そして旅で出会った仲間と共に、彼らの生まれ育ったメキシコのヒッピーコミューンなど各地を巡り、深い文化や歴史、生活やDIYの精神、アートに強い感銘を受けた。その後カリフォルニアの山に戻り、運命の出会いを果たす。滞在先の友の飼う一匹の狼、エラ。警戒心の強い野生を持つ狼が、心を開き家族として私を許した瞬間の感動、野生動物の持つ強さと優しさや愛情。その狼と過ごした2ヶ月のインスピレーションは、NYを拠点に活躍する抽象画家であるChristian Calabroと共に初めて抽象画を描く機会には、すでに原動力となり、描く意味を与えた。

2017年日本へ戻り、音楽活動と並行して絵を描き続けた。旅で得た着想、自然の壮大さや美しさ、文化や歴史、人間の悲しい行い、アニミズム、八百万の神を信じる神道文化、文字を描きその内を表現する習字、そして狼との暮らしで感じた野生の愛。それらにインスパイアされ、“Disappeared Animals”というテーマにたどり着いた。精神を集中し感覚を研ぎ澄ませ、キャンバスに向かい合い瞑想する。流れや動きをエネルギーとして筆を重ね、浮かび上がる消えていった動物たちの魂の姿。自然界を一つの包み込むのは愛という壮大なバランス。私たち人間だけがそれを乱し破壊する。この二つの世界を繋ぐ窓を開き、この世界に本当の愛を伝える。

Born on June 3, 1984, in Tokyo, Japan, Mu Raki has carved a unique path as an artist and musician. After beginning his studies at Nihon University College of Art, Department of Photography, he decided to pursue his passion for music, launching his career at the age of 20 under the name Slipstream. His debut came through POPGROUP, followed by his work as a DJ and producer for Madskippers Recordings and Weekend Warriorz.

His music, a fusion of futuristic electronic sounds and primal rhythms, creates an immersive experience that transcends space and time. This approach to experimental dance music, characterized by its meditative and awakening qualities, eventually led him to Berlin, Germany, in 2015. The city's vibrant culture and diverse artistic expressions became a profound influence, shaping his creative outlook.

In search of further inspiration, Mu Raki embarked on a wilderness journey to California later that year. Spending two months living in a tent in the mountains, he immersed himself in nature, meditating at sunrise on mist-covered peaks, and exploring the depths of his concentration and spirit. This journey also took him to a hippie commune in Mexico, where he was deeply moved by the local culture, history, and DIY spirit.

Returning to the California mountains, Mu Raki had a transformative encounter with Ella, a wolf belonging to a friend. The bond he formed with the wary, wild creature profoundly impacted him, revealing the strength, kindness, and love inherent in nature. This experience became a wellspring of inspiration, fueling his first foray into abstract painting with New York-based artist Christian Calabro.

In 2017, Mu Raki returned to Japan, where he continued to explore both music and painting. His work is heavily influenced by the inspirations he gathered from his travels, the grandeur and beauty of nature, the complexities of human behavior, and the spiritual depth of animism and Shintoism. His art, particularly his "Disappeared Animals" series, reflects a deep connection to the natural world. Through meditation and a sharpened focus, he channels the spirits of extinct animals, portraying the delicate balance of love that sustains nature—a balance often disrupted by humanity. Through his art, he seeks to bridge the gap between these worlds, conveying a message of true love and reverence for life.


Rhubarb Jazz


An impromptu sound session featuring a DJ (Junya.T) and live guitar (Shin).

DJ セット  DJ Sets

Commons Sound Works

カフェ・コモンズのレジデントDJが集まり、音楽集団「Common Sound Works」を結成。このグループには、カフェ・コモンズの創設者でハウスDJのJunya.Tと、脱構築的でアンビエントなサウンドで知られるbb.bulanが参加している。

Resident DJs at Café Commons collectively form the music collective ‘Common Sound Works.' This group features Junya.T, the founder of Café Commons and a house DJ, alongside bb.bulan, known for her deconstructed and ambient sounds. 


飲食出店者  F&B



Homemade Yeast Bread, Kitahiroshima              
ざんぎbowl、酵素シロップ 🐔
Zangibowl, Enzyme Syrup
Juri - さんのオーガニック玄米弁当🥬
Organic Brown Rice Bento

Plum Drink

Organic Homemade Syrup Shaved Ice

Vegan Baked Goods                       
Craft Beer

《Farm Fresh》

Naturally grown vegetables and fresh eggs









Snappee Coffee


We're a mobile coffee roasting service without a physical shop. Based in Hokkaido, we bring freshly roasted beans to customers at scenic locations. Enjoy our coffee and photography!

Online Store


Yuragi フードトラックゆらぎ

ニセコアンヌプリから各地へ和をコンセプトに創作弁当のキッチンカー毎週火曜日 倶知安町 sprout(スプラウト)さん横にて出店中ですその他出店はホームページにて掲載しております🙇‍♂️

Every Tuesday, our kitchen car can be found next to Sprout in Kutchan-cho, bringing creative Japanese-inspired bentos from Niseko Annupuri to various locations. We will be at Niseko Hirafu Green Park this week!



YY Diner


YY Diner is a burger food truck run by Michael and based in Niseko, Hokkaido, operating since June 2017. They use buns made with spring water from Mt. Yotei and Hokkaido wheat, 100% grass-fed beef patties, and homemade bacon to craft their delicious burgers.


XingFu Ice Cream


Crafted with a generous amount of Amaou strawberries, Xingfu soft serve ice cream tastes just like biting into a fresh strawberry.


Manten Gyoza 満天餃子 from Niseko


Niseko Manten Gyoza travels around Hokkaido in a food truck, offering gyozas that showcase a blend of vegetables and pork from Hokkaido’s rich land.


Coffee Caravan


Niseko Hirafu Green Park's café offers locally roasted coffee from Sprout Niseko and a selection of fresh bagels from Seed Bagel, both proudly local establishments. By evening, the café transforms into a cozy spot for a curated selection of natural wines and cocktails. Open daily from 11:00 am to 11:00 pm.

