Niseko Hirafu Green Park

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©2024 NisekoHirafuGreenPark

映画上映 Film Screenings

1%の風景」予告編  1 % of Scenery

あらすじ・ストーリー 出産の99%が病院・産院といった医療機関で行われる現代日本で、1%の妊婦たちは、自宅や助産所での出産を選ぶ。助産所は医療機関と連携し、妊娠から出産・産後・子育てまでをサポートする。助産師は、検診ごとに妊婦と時間を積み重ね信頼関係を築いていく。

解説 第28回あいち国際女性映画祭の国内招待作品に選出された、病院以外での出産を選んだ妊婦たちを追ったドキュメンタリー。新たな命を産もうとする女性と、これから生まれてくる命に寄り添い、命に向き合う助産師の姿を4年にわたり収めた。監督は、第2子を助産所で出産した吉田夕日。

In modern Japan, where 99% of births occur in medical institutions like hospitals and maternity clinics, a small yet significant 1% of women choose to give birth at home or in midwifery centers. These centers collaborate closely with medical institutions to offer comprehensive support from pregnancy through childbirth, postpartum care, and child-rearing. Midwives dedicate time to each prenatal checkup, fostering strong relationships built on trust with the expectant mothers.

Selected for the 28th Aichi International Women's Film Festival's domestic category, this documentary offers an intimate look at women who opt for childbirth outside traditional hospitals. Filmed over four years, it captures the profound experiences of these women as they prepare to bring new life into the world, supported by midwives who stand by them through the challenges and joys of childbirth. Directed by Yoshida Yuhi, whose personal experience giving birth at a midwifery center inspired this work, the film features Watanabe Ai, Kamiya Seiko, Kikuta Tomiko, Iikubo Ai, and Yamamoto Muneko.