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DJ セット  DJ Sets

Masaki Kaihatsu

Dubを中心にアナログレコードを掘り続けるbass music中毒者。2015年より2年間、札幌のcoffee shop marleyで行われていたblok partyでレギュラーDJを務め、数々のジャンルを吸収し、dubに重心を置く。ニセコに拠点を移し、己を深堀中。

A bass music enthusiast with a passion for analog records, particularly in the dub genre, he spent two years as a regular DJ at blok parties at Coffee Shop Marley in Sapporo, starting in 2015. During this time, he explored and absorbed a wide range of musical genres while maintaining a strong focus on dub. After relocating to Niseko, he has delved even deeper into his own musical exploration.

DJ Sall

from札幌のアンダーグラウンドシーンより誰よりもスモーキーなDJ Sall。 NORTHSMORKINGのレジデントDJでトラックメイカー。 唯一無二の独特のセンスを兼ね備え、ブラックミュージックを軸にジャンルレスな選曲で札幌アンダーグラウンドシーンを長い間盛り上げ、ヘッズ達の耳を育て、パーティーシーンを支えてきたレジェンド。 今は無き札幌の地下研究所、CLUB JADEのスタッフとして8年間PAを務めた。彼のミキシングの経験と耳にかかればどんなパーティーもディープかつ繊細なコンディションに仕上がる。 chocolate factoryよりアナログを多数リリース後、今に至る。

Emerging from Sapporo's underground scene, DJ Sall is known for his smoky, atmospheric sound. As a resident DJ and trackmaker at NORTHSMORKING, he has become a legendary figure, supporting the party scene with his genre-defying music selection rooted in black music. His unique and inimitable style has been a driving force in energizing Sapporo's underground culture.

DJ Sall's experience extends beyond the turntables; he spent eight years as a PA at the now-defunct CLUB JADE, an underground laboratory in Sapporo. His extensive mixing experience and finely tuned ear allow him to craft deep, nuanced sets that elevate any party. In addition to his DJ work, he has released numerous analog records under the Chocolate Factory label.