Niseko Hirafu Green Park

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©2024 NisekoHirafuGreenPark

映画上映  Film Screenings


1990年代のロサンゼルスを舞台にした『mid90s』は、内気で内向的な13歳の少年スティーヴィーが、波乱に満ちた家庭生活からの脱出を模索する姿を描く。家庭では、シングルマザーとのぎくしゃくした関係や、兄イアンからの絶え間ない精神的虐待に直面している。居場所を見つけようと必死になっていたスティーヴィーは、偶然見つけた地元のスケートショップで、集中力と野心にあふれたリーダーのレイ、気ままなパーティー好きの 「ファックシット」、映画監督志望の物静かなフォーサーズ・グレード、自信なさげだがストリート・スマートなルーベンら、年上のスケーターたちのグループに迎え入れられる。彼らを通して、スティービーはスケートボードのスリルと、それに伴う反抗的な自由を発見する。しかし、この新しい世界を進むにつれ、彼は仲間からのプレッシャー、危険な行動、複雑な友人関係の力学に直面し、成長することの喜びと厳しい現実の両方を知ることになる。


Set in 1990s Los Angeles, “mid90s” follows 13-year-old Stevie, a shy and introspective boy searching for an escape from his turbulent home life. At home, he faces a strained relationship with his single mother and the constant emotional abuse of his older brother, Ian. Desperate to find a sense of belonging, Stevie stumbles upon a local skate shop where he is welcomed into a group of older skaters, including Ray, the focused and ambitious leader, "Fuckshit," a carefree party-goer, Fourth Grade, a quiet aspiring filmmaker, and Ruben, an insecure yet street-smart kid. Through them, Stevie discovers the thrill of skateboarding and the rebellious freedom that comes with it. Yet, as he navigates this new world, he is confronted with peer pressure, risky behavior, and the complex dynamics of his friendships, leading him to both the joys and harsh realities of growing up.

Directed by Jonah Hill in his feature film debut, “mid90s” paints a raw and nostalgic portrait of adolescence, rooted in Hill’s own experiences growing up during the 90s. Known for his acting roles in films such as “Superbad” and “Moneyball”, Hill steps behind the camera to deliver an authentic exploration of youth culture, particularly the skate scene of the era. The film is beautifully captured by cinematographer Christopher Blauvelt, who uses a 4:3 aspect ratio to give it a documentary-like aesthetic, heightening its sense of intimacy and nostalgia. Blending humor, heartache, and the universal search for identity, “mid90s” is a poignant exploration of friendship, self-discovery, and the formative struggles that shape us into who we are.