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Set in 1990s Los Angeles, mid90s follows 13-year-old Stevie as he navigates a turbulent summer caught between the challenges of his troubled home life and the newfound sense of belonging he discovers with a group of friends at a local skate shop. Directed by Jonah Hill his feature film debut, mid90s, captures the raw and nostalgic essence of adolescence, exploring themes of friendship, identity, and the search for acceptance.
Set in 1990s Los Angeles, mid90s follows 13-year-old Stevie as he navigates a turbulent summer caught between the challenges of his troubled home life and the newfound sense of belonging he discovers with a group of friends at a local skate shop. Directed by Jonah Hill his feature film debut, mid90s, captures the raw and nostalgic essence of adolescence, exploring themes of friendship, identity, and the search for acceptance.