映画上映 Film Screenings
Back to the Future II
バックトゥーザ・フューチャー II
In this zany sequel, time-traveling duo Marty McFly (Michael J. Fox) and Dr. Emmett Brown (Christopher Lloyd) return from saving Marty's future son from disaster, only to discover their own time transformed. In this nightmarish version of Hill Valley, Marty's father has been murdered and Biff Tannen, Marty's nemesis, has profited. After uncovering the secret to Biff's success -- a sports almanac from the future -- Marty and the Doc embark on a quest to repair the space-time continuum.
バックトゥーザ・フューチャー II
In this zany sequel, time-traveling duo Marty McFly (Michael J. Fox) and Dr. Emmett Brown (Christopher Lloyd) return from saving Marty's future son from disaster, only to discover their own time transformed. In this nightmarish version of Hill Valley, Marty's father has been murdered and Biff Tannen, Marty's nemesis, has profited. After uncovering the secret to Biff's success -- a sports almanac from the future -- Marty and the Doc embark on a quest to repair the space-time continuum.
Live Performances
Yoshitake EXPE (Space Guitar)
大阪出身の音楽家。Space Guitarと名付けられたファンキーで個性的な演奏法と電子音楽的な音響処理、ポリリズムなど数学的・幾何学的アプローチや先住部族でのフィールドワークを通じて創造されるエッジで新感覚な作曲とプロデュースを行う。これまでに7枚のアルバムを発表。独創的サウンドが世界では中の先鋭音楽愛好家やミュージシャン達に高く評価される。
With the use of numerous compact effectors, he has established a unique Space guitar sound while processing sound with a story-like flow like that of a DJ with influences found in P-funk, Electro Techno, with a Brian Eno vibe and sensibility of Brazilian music, at times playing the guitar percussively creating improvised robotic house music, playing a sensual guitar solo, but at times very organic with a soothing acoustic sound and is guaranteed to take you on a space odyssey.
He has collaborated with varying types of artists from visual artists and painters. His process incorporates avant-garde, improvisational, jazz, techno, hip-hop, world music, music for film, and soundtracks and is also highly regarded as a club DJ and continues to expand his musical horizon. He has also held an exhibition of sound installations accompanied by a 100-hour performance in art museums.
Nutron’s debut album was voted "best album of the year(2003)" by Music Magazine and made an appearance at Fuji Rock Festival in 2004. For the past 5 years, he has been playing over 150 shows annually with his solo project.
His current projects involve a Space Funk duo with world-class drummer Takashi Numazawa, Space Dub Funk with dub mixer Naoyuki Uchida, and also formed a Super-Unit PARA together with Seiichi Yamamoto. Amongst many collaborations, his performance with the treasure of Brazil, Marcos Suzano is especially memorable.
大阪出身の音楽家。Space Guitarと名付けられたファンキーで個性的な演奏法と電子音楽的な音響処理、ポリリズムなど数学的・幾何学的アプローチや先住部族でのフィールドワークを通じて創造されるエッジで新感覚な作曲とプロデュースを行う。これまでに7枚のアルバムを発表。独創的サウンドが世界では中の先鋭音楽愛好家やミュージシャン達に高く評価される。
- 2001年 nutronとしてアルバムリリース
- 2003年 Music Magazine誌 年間ベストアルバムに選出され、初の海外公演
- N.Y. Hip Hopオールドスクールの伝説RAMM:ELL:ZEEのアルバムレコーディングとライブに参加
- 2004年 Fuji Rock Festivalに出演
- 2008年 山本精一とのユニットPARAでFuji Rock Festival出演
- 2009年 ブラジリアン パンデイロ奏者 マルコス スザーノに招聘され世界中から現代パーカッション奏者が集う南米最大級のフェス PERCPANで共演
- 2013年 南米ツアーにてMono Fontanaと共演、アルゼンチン国営放送でSF映画"Metropolis"に即興演奏
- 2013年 アルゼンチン音響派、音の妖精アレハンドロ フラノフと共に日本ツアー
- 2017年 コペンハーゲン ジャズフェスティバル出演
- 2018年 アルゼンチン ブエノスアイレスの名ホールCCKで公演
- 2019年 ECMジャズミュージシャンからのオファーで、イタリア ブレシアの世界遺産オペラハウスで公演
- ドイツ ベルリンではテクノ系アーティストValentino Mouraとの共作Astrometric EffectをIDOからリリース
- 2020年 Yoshitake EXPE Youtubeチャンネル開設、現在200本以上のライブ作品を展開中
- 2023年 奈良山添村の障がい者支援施設のグループWA NO WAの鳴らすハンドチャイムの環境音楽を新たな角度で再解釈した新感覚なアルバム『未来予知』を自身のプロジェクトPRHYTHMでリリース
- 2023年 ECMレコードのパイプオルガニストKit Downesと大阪で1番古い教会大聖堂にてコンサート共演
With the use of numerous compact effectors, he has established a unique Space guitar sound while processing sound with a story-like flow like that of a DJ with influences found in P-funk, Electro Techno, with a Brian Eno vibe and sensibility of Brazilian music, at times playing the guitar percussively creating improvised robotic house music, playing a sensual guitar solo, but at times very organic with a soothing acoustic sound and is guaranteed to take you on a space odyssey.
He has collaborated with varying types of artists from visual artists and painters. His process incorporates avant-garde, improvisational, jazz, techno, hip-hop, world music, music for film, and soundtracks and is also highly regarded as a club DJ and continues to expand his musical horizon. He has also held an exhibition of sound installations accompanied by a 100-hour performance in art museums.
Nutron’s debut album was voted "best album of the year(2003)" by Music Magazine and made an appearance at Fuji Rock Festival in 2004. For the past 5 years, he has been playing over 150 shows annually with his solo project.
His current projects involve a Space Funk duo with world-class drummer Takashi Numazawa, Space Dub Funk with dub mixer Naoyuki Uchida, and also formed a Super-Unit PARA together with Seiichi Yamamoto. Amongst many collaborations, his performance with the treasure of Brazil, Marcos Suzano is especially memorable.
DJ セット DJ Sets
長年に渡り 札幌・北海道
北日本のドラムアンドべース シーンを代表、牽引するDJの一人であり主宰するパーティー
DRUM SECTIONは 2024年で17周年を迎えこれまでに数多くの国内外 アーティストを札幌に招聘し自身も日本全国でDJをPLAY日本のDRUMANDBASS シーンに貢献してきた。
現在も札幌 CLUB GHETTOで毎月第4金曜日にpartyを開催し玄人なメンバーから構成させる真摯なスタイルでドラムアンドべースを貫いている。
For many years, he has been a leading DJ in Sapporo and across Hokkaido, particularly in northern Japan's drum and bass scene. In 2024, DRUM SECTION, the event he has nurtured, will celebrate its 17th anniversary. Throughout this time, he has brought numerous domestic and international artists to Sapporo and has performed as a DJ across Japan and internationally, significantly contributing to Japan's drum and bass scene.
He continues to hold monthly parties at CLUB GHETTO in Sapporo, hosting events every fourth Friday. Known for his sincere style and professional approach, he remains a prominent figure in the drum and bass community.
mAsa niwayama
北海道室蘭出身。タイ在住の15年間、同郷のHIROO・NKchan等と主催するパーティー”GIANT SWING”にはタイ国内外から多くのアーティストを召集。タイと日本/世界を繋ぐキーマンとして存在感を放つ。
タイの民族音楽を世界的に広め海外からの注目度も高い、Maft SaiのZudrangma H.Q. Records Storeで店員をつとめた経験を活かしたワールドミュージックセットから、キャリア初期より続くハウス/テクノセットまで、操る音は幅広い。他のどの国よりもタイのフロアで過ごした時間が長い彼の感性は多くの決まりごとから自由で、たとえディープ寄りな選曲の中でもポジティブな姿勢を崩すことはなく、独特のリラックスした雰囲気であらゆる人種を惹き付けてやまない。
北海道から沖縄まで、ビッグフェスからアンダーグラウンドな小箱まで、様々な現場を巡るハードな日本ツアーをこなし、2016年は香港やベトナムでも”GIANT SWING”を開催するなど、逆輸入型DJとして着実に活動の幅を拡げる。現在は北海道に拠点を移し、独自の音楽探求を続けている。2016年にはレーベルMastered Hissnoiseよりミックス・テープ”UREI meets mAsa niwayama at OTOBOLA”をリリース。2019年には同レーベルよりミックス・テープ『LOOKING FOR SUNRISE』をリリース。
Born in Muroran, Hokkaido, he has lived in Thailand for 15 years. He co-hosts the "Giant Swing" party with HIROO, NKchan, and others from his hometown, drawing numerous artists from Thailand and abroad. As a key figure in bridging Thailand, Japan, and the global music scene, his influence is far-reaching.
His musical range is vast, spanning from world music sets inspired by his experience as a clerk at Zudrangma H.Q. Records Store in Maft Sai—an institution that has played a crucial role in popularizing Thai folk music internationally—to house and techno sets that he has been spinning since the start of his career. With more time spent on Thai dance floors than anywhere else, his approach is refreshingly unbound by conventional rules. His positive energy shines through even in the deepest of music selections, creating a relaxed atmosphere that draws people from all walks of life.
He has undertaken rigorous tours across Japan, from Hokkaido to Okinawa, performing at a wide range of venues, from large festivals to intimate underground clubs. In 2016, he brought "Giant Swing" to Hong Kong and Vietnam, expanding its reach. The same year, he released the mixtape "UREI meets mAsa niwayama at OTOBOLA" on the Mastered Hissnoise label, followed by "LOOKING FOR SUNRISE" in 2019.
He is also part of a dance unit based in Sapporo that celebrates women born in the Showa era. With the motto "We want to energize our audience," the group performs at both independent and larger events. Their shows, set to Showa-era music, evoke nostalgia for the period while showcasing the enduring charm and spirit of Showa women. Their performances are known for their infectious energy, inviting audiences to clap along and get excited.
北海道室蘭出身。タイ在住の15年間、同郷のHIROO・NKchan等と主催するパーティー”GIANT SWING”にはタイ国内外から多くのアーティストを召集。タイと日本/世界を繋ぐキーマンとして存在感を放つ。
タイの民族音楽を世界的に広め海外からの注目度も高い、Maft SaiのZudrangma H.Q. Records Storeで店員をつとめた経験を活かしたワールドミュージックセットから、キャリア初期より続くハウス/テクノセットまで、操る音は幅広い。他のどの国よりもタイのフロアで過ごした時間が長い彼の感性は多くの決まりごとから自由で、たとえディープ寄りな選曲の中でもポジティブな姿勢を崩すことはなく、独特のリラックスした雰囲気であらゆる人種を惹き付けてやまない。
北海道から沖縄まで、ビッグフェスからアンダーグラウンドな小箱まで、様々な現場を巡るハードな日本ツアーをこなし、2016年は香港やベトナムでも”GIANT SWING”を開催するなど、逆輸入型DJとして着実に活動の幅を拡げる。現在は北海道に拠点を移し、独自の音楽探求を続けている。2016年にはレーベルMastered Hissnoiseよりミックス・テープ”UREI meets mAsa niwayama at OTOBOLA”をリリース。2019年には同レーベルよりミックス・テープ『LOOKING FOR SUNRISE』をリリース。
Born in Muroran, Hokkaido, he has lived in Thailand for 15 years. He co-hosts the "Giant Swing" party with HIROO, NKchan, and others from his hometown, drawing numerous artists from Thailand and abroad. As a key figure in bridging Thailand, Japan, and the global music scene, his influence is far-reaching.
His musical range is vast, spanning from world music sets inspired by his experience as a clerk at Zudrangma H.Q. Records Store in Maft Sai—an institution that has played a crucial role in popularizing Thai folk music internationally—to house and techno sets that he has been spinning since the start of his career. With more time spent on Thai dance floors than anywhere else, his approach is refreshingly unbound by conventional rules. His positive energy shines through even in the deepest of music selections, creating a relaxed atmosphere that draws people from all walks of life.
He has undertaken rigorous tours across Japan, from Hokkaido to Okinawa, performing at a wide range of venues, from large festivals to intimate underground clubs. In 2016, he brought "Giant Swing" to Hong Kong and Vietnam, expanding its reach. The same year, he released the mixtape "UREI meets mAsa niwayama at OTOBOLA" on the Mastered Hissnoise label, followed by "LOOKING FOR SUNRISE" in 2019.
He is also part of a dance unit based in Sapporo that celebrates women born in the Showa era. With the motto "We want to energize our audience," the group performs at both independent and larger events. Their shows, set to Showa-era music, evoke nostalgia for the period while showcasing the enduring charm and spirit of Showa women. Their performances are known for their infectious energy, inviting audiences to clap along and get excited.
J-west brings you an exploration of jazzy, soulful, deep, and heavy jungle and drum and bass, with breaks for every ear and bass lines to soothe the soul.
J-west brings you an exploration of jazzy, soulful, deep, and heavy jungle and drum and bass, with breaks for every ear and bass lines to soothe the soul.
yohei HIBIKI 響洋平
京都府出身。クラブDJ・ターンテーブリスト・怪談蒐集家。都内主要クラブを始めパリ・シカゴ・ウラジオストク・上海など海外でのDJを展開する傍ら、怪談蒐集家として活動。クラブ怪談イベント「アンダーグラウンド怪談レジスタンス」「恵比寿怪談会」等、音とアートと怪談を融合した気鋭の怪談ライブをプロデュースする他、怪談系トークライブ、TV番組や映像作品への出演等、その活動は多岐にわたる。著書に『地下怪談 忌影』、共著に『現代怪談 地獄めぐり 無間』など。
Born in Kyoto, yohei HIBIKI is a club DJ, turntablist, and avid collector of ghost stories. While spinning records at major clubs across Tokyo and internationally in cities like Paris, Chicago, Vladivostok, and Shanghai, he also passionately curates eerie tales. He has pioneered innovative live ghost story experiences that blend sound, art, and the supernatural, including events like "Underground Ghost Story Resistance" and "Ebisu Ghost Story Society." His expertise extends to ghost story-themed talk shows, TV appearances, and video productions.
He is the author of Underground Ghost Stories: The Shadow of the Shadow and co-author of Gendai Kaidan Jigoku Meguri Muken (Gendai Kaidan: The Ghost Stories of Jigoku Meguri).
京都府出身。クラブDJ・ターンテーブリスト・怪談蒐集家。都内主要クラブを始めパリ・シカゴ・ウラジオストク・上海など海外でのDJを展開する傍ら、怪談蒐集家として活動。クラブ怪談イベント「アンダーグラウンド怪談レジスタンス」「恵比寿怪談会」等、音とアートと怪談を融合した気鋭の怪談ライブをプロデュースする他、怪談系トークライブ、TV番組や映像作品への出演等、その活動は多岐にわたる。著書に『地下怪談 忌影』、共著に『現代怪談 地獄めぐり 無間』など。
Born in Kyoto, yohei HIBIKI is a club DJ, turntablist, and avid collector of ghost stories. While spinning records at major clubs across Tokyo and internationally in cities like Paris, Chicago, Vladivostok, and Shanghai, he also passionately curates eerie tales. He has pioneered innovative live ghost story experiences that blend sound, art, and the supernatural, including events like "Underground Ghost Story Resistance" and "Ebisu Ghost Story Society." His expertise extends to ghost story-themed talk shows, TV appearances, and video productions.
He is the author of Underground Ghost Stories: The Shadow of the Shadow and co-author of Gendai Kaidan Jigoku Meguri Muken (Gendai Kaidan: The Ghost Stories of Jigoku Meguri).
神戸市出身 Cafe Commonsオーナー95年留学先のアメリカ東海岸でレイブカルチャーの波を大きく受けDJを始める。Terry MullanやPaul JohnsonなどGettoなシカゴハウスのプレイスタイルに影響を受ける。
Junya T. is the founder of Cafe Commons Niseko, and was born in Kobe, Japan. He started DJing in 1995 during his studies on the East Coast of America, and was greatly influenced by rave culture and the Chicago house style of Terry Mullan, Paul Johnson, among others.
Since returning to Japan, he has produced music, organised events, and had the opportunity to continue DJ-ing across the Kansai region, Tokyo and France. Currently based in Niseko, Junya has established his unique style of play, retaining the energy of 90s rave and Chicago house funk while incorporating contemporary tracks with scratching and battle skills.
神戸市出身 Cafe Commonsオーナー95年留学先のアメリカ東海岸でレイブカルチャーの波を大きく受けDJを始める。Terry MullanやPaul JohnsonなどGettoなシカゴハウスのプレイスタイルに影響を受ける。
Junya T. is the founder of Cafe Commons Niseko, and was born in Kobe, Japan. He started DJing in 1995 during his studies on the East Coast of America, and was greatly influenced by rave culture and the Chicago house style of Terry Mullan, Paul Johnson, among others.
Since returning to Japan, he has produced music, organised events, and had the opportunity to continue DJ-ing across the Kansai region, Tokyo and France. Currently based in Niseko, Junya has established his unique style of play, retaining the energy of 90s rave and Chicago house funk while incorporating contemporary tracks with scratching and battle skills.
飲食出店者 F&B
毎週火曜日 倶知安町 sprout(スプラウト)さん横にて出店中です
Every Tuesday, our kitchen car can be found next to Sprout in Kutchan-cho, bringing creative Japanese-inspired bentos from Niseko Annupuri to various locations. We will be at Niseko Hirafu Green Park this week!
YY Diner
YY Diner is a burger food truck run by Michael and based in Niseko, Hokkaido, operating since June 2017. They use buns made with spring water from Mt. Yotei and Hokkaido wheat, 100% grass-fed beef patties, and homemade bacon to craft their delicious burgers.
YY Diner is a burger food truck run by Michael and based in Niseko, Hokkaido, operating since June 2017. They use buns made with spring water from Mt. Yotei and Hokkaido wheat, 100% grass-fed beef patties, and homemade bacon to craft their delicious burgers.
Powers Green Truck
Founded in 2011 at the foot of Mt. Yotei in Makkari Village, we are proud to serve delicious, locally-sourced dishes across Hokkaido. Our specialties include anhydrous spice curry, kebab chicken over rice, original kebab sandwiches, and gapao rice. We're always eager to bring our flavors to new locations, so feel free to reach out with requests for events or pop-up shops!
Thanks to the support of our loyal customers, we've been happily serving you for over a decade 🙏.
Founded in 2011 at the foot of Mt. Yotei in Makkari Village, we are proud to serve delicious, locally-sourced dishes across Hokkaido. Our specialties include anhydrous spice curry, kebab chicken over rice, original kebab sandwiches, and gapao rice. We're always eager to bring our flavors to new locations, so feel free to reach out with requests for events or pop-up shops!
Thanks to the support of our loyal customers, we've been happily serving you for over a decade 🙏.
Discover NOODLEMEN, a new pasta concept created at the pension “Ginkei” in Niseko Annupuri’s Potato Republic.
Discover NOODLEMEN, a new pasta concept created at the pension “Ginkei” in Niseko Annupuri’s Potato Republic.
Nemoto Shouten 根本酒店
ウイスキーと日本酒の専門店。すすきので角打ちも併設している酒屋です。 こだわりのウイスキーや日本酒を飲むことができます。
A specialty shop for whiskey and sake, Susukino Liquor Store offers a unique experience. In addition to being a well-stocked liquor store, we have a cozy corner where you can enjoy a curated selection of fine whiskey and Japanese sake.
ウイスキーと日本酒の専門店。すすきので角打ちも併設している酒屋です。 こだわりのウイスキーや日本酒を飲むことができます。
A specialty shop for whiskey and sake, Susukino Liquor Store offers a unique experience. In addition to being a well-stocked liquor store, we have a cozy corner where you can enjoy a curated selection of fine whiskey and Japanese sake.
Fried waffles are anything but ordinary. The frying process gives them a unique, crispy texture that sets them apart. Available in sweet and savoury flavors, they can be enjoyed as a dessert or a light meal. Experience Hokkaido's first deep-fried waffles today!
Fried waffles are anything but ordinary. The frying process gives them a unique, crispy texture that sets them apart. Available in sweet and savoury flavors, they can be enjoyed as a dessert or a light meal. Experience Hokkaido's first deep-fried waffles today!
Crafted with a generous amount of Amaou strawberries, Xingfu soft serve ice cream tastes just like biting into a fresh strawberry.
Manten Gyoza 満天餃子 from Niseko
Niseko Manten Gyoza travels around Hokkaido in a food truck, offering gyozas that showcase a blend of vegetables and pork from Hokkaido’s rich land.
Niseko Manten Gyoza travels around Hokkaido in a food truck, offering gyozas that showcase a blend of vegetables and pork from Hokkaido’s rich land.
Coffee Caravan
Niseko Hirafu Green Park's café offers locally roasted coffee from Sprout Niseko and a selection of fresh bagels from Seed Bagel, both proudly local establishments. By evening, the café transforms into a cozy spot for a curated selection of natural wines and cocktails. Open daily from 11:00 am to
11:00 pm.
Niseko Hirafu Green Park's café offers locally roasted coffee from Sprout Niseko and a selection of fresh bagels from Seed Bagel, both proudly local establishments. By evening, the café transforms into a cozy spot for a curated selection of natural wines and cocktails. Open daily from 11:00 am to
11:00 pm.