Niseko Hirafu Green Park

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©2024 NisekoHirafuGreenPark

映画上映 Film Screenings

『Beyond documenta 15 2024ver』
監督+撮影 志津野 雷(CINEMA CARAVAN)

NO ART MAKE FRIENDSをスローガンに掲げるインドネシアのコレクティブRUANGRUPAのインタビューを主体に、物質的な価値よりコミュニティや人との信頼関係を重点に置いた100日間の体験と日常的に感じて来た価値観を旅を通じて答え合わせする物語。

Beyond “documenta fifteen”
Interviews with Ruangrupa members, the first Asian collective to direct Documenta, shot by Rai Shizuno of CINEMA CARAVAN. 

「プラネティスト 」Planetist




Follow surfer Noritsugu Miyagawa’s journey on Chichijima, Ogasawara Islands, blending creativity with untouched landscapes.

映画上映 [父を探して] The Boy and the World

本作『父を探して』(英題「The Boy and the World」)は、ブラジル・インディペンデント・アニメーション界の新鋭アレ・アブレウ監督による長編アニメーションです。出稼ぎに出た父親を探しに、少年が広大な世界を旅するこの作品は、2014年のアヌシー国際アニメーション映画祭でクリスタル(最高賞)と観客賞を同時受賞という快挙を達成。これまでに44の映画賞を獲得しています。


A tale by Ale Abreu following a boy’s quest, acclaimed at the 2014 Annecy Festival. Magical visuals inspired by Takahata and Miyazaki.

Talks and Nature

Kazuto Miura 三浦一斗

ニセコエリア・蘭越町湯里出身。幼少期から山の自然に親しみ、冬はスキー・スノーボード、夏は自然探検や山菜採りを楽しむ生粋の”山の子”。倶知安高校卒業後、ニュージーランドへ留学。現在は、「人と自然をつなぐ」ことに喜びを感じ生きる。廃材を活用した空間づくり事業「shizuku project」を立ち上げ、FAR EAST SNOW SPORTSでインストラクターとしても活躍。自家焙煎コーヒーやイベント出店など、趣味が多彩。自然との共生をテーマに、ニセコの魅力を発信し続ける。

Born in Yuri, Rankoshi Town in the Niseko area, he grew up surrounded by nature, spending his winters skiing and snowboarding, and his summers exploring the mountains and foraging for wild vegetables. After graduating from Kutchan High School, he studied abroad in New Zealand. Now, he lives with a passion for connecting people with nature. He founded the "Shizuku Project," which focuses on creating spaces using reclaimed wood, and also works as an instructor at FAR EAST SNOW SPORTS. His interests include roasting his coffee and participating in local events. With a focus on living in harmony with nature, he continues to share and promote the beauty of Niseko.


Rai Shizuno 志津野 雷

写真家。「CINEMA CARAVAN」主宰。鎌倉生まれ葉山在住。自然の中に身を置くことを愛し、写真を通してその本質を探り、人とコミュニケーションをはかる旅を続ける。雑誌や広告撮影の世界を中心に活動。写真集に『ON THE WATER』がある。代表を務める「逗子海岸映画祭」が今年2024年に13周年を迎えた。

Photographer and President of CINEMA CARAVAN. Born in Kamakura and currently residing in Hayama, he has a deep affinity for nature, which fuels his passion for exploration and connection through photography. His work primarily spans magazine and advertising photography, where he captures the essence of his travels and interactions. His published photo collection, ON THE WATER, reflects his love for the natural world. As the president of the Zushi Beach Film Festival, he celebrates the festival's 13th anniversary in 2024, continuing to lead this unique cultural event.



Cinema Caravan Website
Isao Kurita 栗田 勲夫


Born in Utsunomiya City, Tochigi Prefecture, Isao Kurita has an extensive background in hospitality, including his time with Tokyu Resorts & Stay Co. Notably, he managed Niseko Tokyu Resort and served as the Manager of Hotel Niseko Alpine until its closure for reconstruction in October 2020. Currently, he is the Executive Director of Niseko Hirafu Green Park. He has enjoyed building strong connections with local communities throughout his career, managing hotels in resort areas such as Kinugawa, Kyoto, Karuizawa, and Kita-Shinshu.
Kanako Ueno 上野可南子 

活動歴に: BAR the ICE, Niseko Ice Village, トビウ芸術祭, サッポロダンスコレクティヴ など。

Born in Sapporo, Hokkaido
Specializes in Design and Sculpture

Notable Activities:
  • BAR the ICE
  • Niseko Ice Village
  • Tobiu Art Festival
  • Sapporo Dance Collective

豊田利晃 Toshiaki Toyoda

1969年3月生まれ、大阪府出身の映画監督。1998年、千原浩史(千原ジュニア)主演「ポルノスター」で監督デビューを果たす。2002年には松本大洋のマンガを映像化した「青い春」を発表。そのほか主な監督作に「ナイン・ソウルズ」「空中庭園」「モンスターズクラブ」「クローズEXPLODE」などがある。2006年に中村達也、勝井祐二、照井利幸とインストユニット・TWIN TAILを結成。2015年に公演されたライブシネマ形式の舞台「怪獣の教え」では、演出・脚本・映像を担当した。

Born in Osaka in 1969, Toyoda made his directorial debut in 1998 with Porno Star, starring Hiroshi Chihara (Chihara Jr.). In 2002, he released Blue Spring, an adaptation of Taiyo Matsumoto’s manga. Other notable directing credits include Nine Souls, Hanging Garden, Monsters Club, and CROWS EXPLODE. In 2006, he formed the instrumental unit TWIN TAIL with Tatsuya Nakamura, Yuji Katsui, and Toshiyuki Terui. In 2015, he directed, wrote the script, and directed the video for the live-cinema-style stage play The Teachings of Monsters.

渋川清彦 Kiyohiko Shibukawa

1998年に、豊田利晃監督作『ポルノスター』で映画デビューし、以降数々の作品に出演。2019年には第32回日刊スポーツ映画大賞・石原裕次郎賞/助演男優賞を受賞。近年の主な出演作に、映画『偶然と想像』(濱口竜介監督)、『キングダム2 遥かなる大地へ』(佐藤信介監督)、主演・テレビ東京「ザ・タクシー飯店」、日テレ「リバーサルオーケストラ」などがある他、2023年12月1日には映画『怪物の木こり』(三池崇史監督)の公開が控える。

Kiyohiko Shibukawa, born in 1974 in Shibukawa City, Gunma Prefecture, made a notable film debut in 1998 with Toshiaki Toyoda’s Pornostar. Since this breakthrough role, Shibukawa has established himself as a distinguished actor with a diverse portfolio of film work. In 2019, he was recognized for his outstanding contributions to cinema by receiving the Yujiro Ishihara Award for Best Supporting Actor at the 32nd Nikkan Sports Film Awards.

Animale Rankoshi アニマーレ蘭越





Opened in July 2024, Animare Rangetsu is the first petting and mobile zoo in the Goshi region! Located in front of our business office in Rangetsu Town, we offer visitors the chance to interact with a wide variety of animals, especially birds.

Starting in 2025, we'll proudly introduce Hokkaido's first-ever bird shows. At Animare Rangetsu, you can meet and interact with an array of animals, including the world’s largest rabbit, the popular meerkat, and our beloved guinea pigs.

Please note that the animals' well-being is our top priority. Interaction with them may vary depending on their physical condition on the day. We appreciate your understanding and patience.



音楽ライブ アートパフォーマンス
Live Music and Art Performances

Michinori Maru 丸倫徳



漫画と旅をこよなく愛し、現実と旅の間で時間と距離を重ねてはズラす活動をしている。09年にはアーティストインレジデンスのプログラムのためアメリカはバーモントに滞在。同年にNYは Brooklynの多目的ロフトスペースstudio b.p.mに壁画を残す等旅とともに足跡を残す制作活動を行っている。

Michinori Maru is an artist and painter born in 1978 in Fujiwara City, Kanagawa Prefecture. He primarily uses painting as his medium of expression, but also works with wall murals, live painting performances, photo collages, and other artistic forms. In 2009, he participated in an artist-in-residence program in Vermont, USA. During the same year, Maru created a mural at studio b.p.m., a multi-purpose loft space in Brooklyn, NY, leaving his artistic mark as he travelled.


Tatsuro Alaya アラヤタツロウ


Tatsuro Alaya, a Tonkori songwriter and winner of the 19th All Hokkaido Tonkori Competition, crafts songs highlighting nature’s importance and the keys to a fulfilling life. He is on a nationwide tour across Japan’s 47 prefectures, performing his unique blend of ancient and contemporary music.


DJ セット DJ Sets


北海道北見産DJ。閃きが生み出すとにかくエキサイティングなダンスミュージック。異彩を放つDJスタイルは無数のダンスフロアを歓喜させ狂気させてきた。2013年、O.N.OとSugiurumnをリミキサーに迎えた初のEP “Kitami’s Gold” をリリース。2014年、同曲がBASS WORKS RECORDINGSのコンピ “BIG FOOT” にも収録された。2016年、onomono “outcome remixes” にリミキサーとして参加。極北のクラブ “UNDERSTAND” を根城に、主宰する夜会 “phantastik” は今年26周年を迎える。その揺るぎない自信とテンションで更なる高みへと飛ぶ。

Hailing from Kitami, Hokkaido, DJ fanta is known for his vibrant dance music sets and tracks. His journey began in 2013 with the release of “Kitami’s Gold,” his debut EP featuring remixes by O.N.O and Sugiurumn. The EP’s single earned a spot on BASS WORKS RECORDINGS’ “BIG FOOT” 2014 compilation. This year marks the 26th anniversary of “phantastik,” in the club he runs in Japan’s northern frontier, UNDERSTAND. 


53 (Jamiism)

HIP-HOPから始まりSOUL,JAZZ,REGGAE,HOUSE,TECHNO… 彼の触手引っかかったあらゆる音楽が彼の紡ぐ一つのGROOVEとして音色を奏でる。 『人々の集う場所』という意味のスワヒリ語から名付けた『Jamii』に集うジャンルレスな人々を見ても彼の音に通じるものがあるかもしれない。 都市にはないニセコならではの音楽文化を発信し続けている。

From HIP-HOP to SOUL, JAZZ, REGGAE, HOUSE, TECHNO, and beyond, every genre he touches blends into a seamless groove. The diverse crowd at 'Jamii'—named after the Swahili word for 'community'—shares a common thread with his eclectic sound. Jamii continues to showcase a musical culture that's uniquely Niseko, offering an experience you won't find in the cities.




神戸市出身 Cafe Commonsオーナー95年留学先のアメリカ東海岸でレイブカルチャーの波を大きく受けDJを始める。Terry MullanやPaul JohnsonなどGettoなシカゴハウスのプレイスタイルに影響を受ける。


Junya T. is the founder of Cafe Commons Niseko, and was born in Kobe, Japan. He started DJing in 1995 during his studies on the East Coast of America, and was greatly influenced by rave culture and the Chicago house style of Terry Mullan, Paul Johnson, among others.

Since returning to Japan, he has produced music, organised events, and had the opportunity to continue DJ-ing across the Kansai region, Tokyo and France. Currently based in Niseko, Junya has established his unique style of play, retaining the energy of 90s rave and Chicago house funk while incorporating contemporary tracks with scratching and battle skills.



カフェ・コモンズのレジデントDJが集まり、音楽集団「Common Sound Works」を結成。このグループには、カフェ・コモンズの創設者でハウスDJのJunya.Tと、脱構築的でアンビエントなサウンドで知られるbb.bulanが参加している。

Resident DJs at Café Commons collectively form the music collective ‘Common Sound Works.' This group features Junya.T, the founder of Café Commons and a house DJ, alongside bb.bulan, known for her deconstructed and ambient sounds. 




T.AKA (Jamiism)


ニセコローカルパーティ『Jamiism』のレジデントDJ。冬シーズンにはニセコヒラフにあるBar『The Baddies』にて不定期にパーティを開催している。

T.AKA lives in the Niseko area of Hokkaido and organizes DJ parties with friends. He manipulates sounds with long mixes and equalization, focusing on house and techno at the core.

He is the resident DJ of "Jamiism", a local Niseko party. During the winter season, he holds parties at "The Baddies" bar in Niseko Hirafu on an irregular basis.



Mu Raki  ( inipi | adult house )

東京出身、現在ニセコ在住、DJ/ Producer/ 抽象画家/ 大工。MinimalとHouseの原始的且つ未来的なグルーヴを軸とし、確かな選曲に裏打ちされた繊細なmixで、滑らかでサイケデリックな音楽体験へと誘う。

“Slipstream”としてPopgroup Recordingsよりデビュー。以来Madskippers Recording やWeekend WarriorzのレジデントDJ/Producerとして、楽曲のリリースや、大型フェスに出演し、韓国遠征など活動を広げる。

2015年にベルリンへ渡り、HoppetosseやGoldengate、Salon der Wilden Renateに出演。最前線のアンダーグラウンドシーンの洗礼を受け、2017年日本に帰国。

Vent Tokyoで“ inipi ”を主宰し、Visionquestのレーベルオーナー、Shaun Reevesを招く。さらに“RESET”, “adult house“といったコンセプチュアルなパーティーを主宰。2022年夏、初のヨーロッパツアー。7000人が集まるChâteau Perché Festivalのメインステージでフロアを熱狂させた。2024年、北海道ニセコの森の中へ拠点を移し、制作活動に重きを置き、今後の活動が期待される。

Mu Raki, a Tokyo-born DJ, producer, abstract painter, and carpenter, now based in the serene forests of Niseko, Japan, invites you on a smooth, psychedelic journey through sound. His unique blend of minimal and house music fuses primitive and futuristic grooves, creating an immersive musical experience grounded in a carefully curated selection.

Debuting with the band Slipstream on Popgroup Recordings, Mu Raki's career flourished as a resident DJ/producer at Madskippers Recording and Weekend Warriorz. He has released a series of tracks, performed at major festivals, and expanded his reach internationally, including a tour in Korea.

In 2015, he relocated to Berlin, where he performed at iconic venues like Hoppetosse, Goldengate, and Salon der Wilden Renate, immersing himself in the heart of the underground scene. After gaining invaluable experience, he returned to Japan in 2017 to run "inipi" at Vent Tokyo, where he invited Visionquest label owner Shaun Reeves for special performances.

In the summer of 2022, Mu Raki embarked on his first European tour, culminating in a standout performance on the main stage of Château Perché Festival, playing to a crowd of 7,000. Now, in 2024, he resides in Niseko, focusing on his production work in the tranquil embrace of nature.



飲食出店者 Food

Manten Gyoza 満天餃子 from Niseko


Niseko Manten Gyoza travels around Hokkaido in a food truck, offering gyozas that showcase a blend of vegetables and pork from Hokkaido’s rich land.


XingFu Ice Cream


Crafted with a generous amount of Amaou strawberries, Xingfu soft serve ice cream tastes just like biting into a fresh strawberry.




Discover NOODLEMEN, a new pasta concept created at the pension “Ginkei” in Niseko Annupuri’s Potato Republic.




The restaurant is a fusion-style establishment based on the basic concept of "harmony." It is adorned with fresh, seasonal local vegetables, carefully selected fresh fish from across Japan, Hokkaido Wagyu beef, and features premium ingredients such as caviar and fresh truffles.




Kikoz is a garage cafe located on route 230 offering some rustic, comfort homely food using as much of local ingredients as well as the authentic products. Kikoz will be offering their signature “ falafel” wrap and a few other items. 🎶


Coffee Caravan


Niseko Hirafu Green Park's café offers locally roasted coffee from Sprout Niseko and a selection of fresh bagels from Seed Bagel, both proudly local establishments. By evening, the café transforms into a cozy spot for a curated selection of natural wines and cocktails. Open daily from 11:00 am to 11:00 pm.

